Below is a list of forms provided by the Registrar's Office that you may need.
Note: Please be certain to save and scan any documents with signatures prior to attaching to any e-mail communications. At this time, and until further notice, please do not fax any documents. Please e-mail completed documents to
Form Name | Description |
Academic Change of Schedule | Forms must be printed and signed, or emailed with appropriate signatures, and received within the deadline dates of the academic calendar. College policies apply. |
Application to Graduate | To be completed with an Advisor review and signature if requesting to graduate with an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science degree or any Certificate program. The student signature is also required. |
Audit Request Form | Auditing a course allows a a student to take a class without the benefit of a grade or credit for a course. A student who audits a course does so for the purposes of self-enrichment and academic exploration. The student must follow the attendance policy of the instructor. The cost of taking a class as an Audit is the same as taking for credit.
Courses that are audited are not eligible for financial aid and do not count under full or part time status for students. |
Change of Student Biographical Data | Complete this form for an address, legal name change, legal gender change, or social security number change. Legal documentation for certain items must be presented or attached. Physical signature is required. |
Course Challenge | Course Challenges provide students an opportunity to earn college credit for prior learning experiences by demonstrating proficiency in the content of a course where no CLEP is available. There are some exclusions and limitations. Administrative fee of $40.00 per exam and a fee of $40.00 per credit hour being challenged (effective Spring 2017). |
Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form | Current students may use the Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form to make a change to their course schedule. Student signature is required; additional signatures may be required as indicated on the form. Check the Academic Calendar for deadlines. |
Course Registration Form - New Students | Students who are new to 4Cs or who are returning after an absence should complete this form and send it to Office of the Registrar. Student signature is required. If there are prerequisites for the course(s) the student must demonstrate the prerequisites have been met by providing an advisor signature or an official or unofficial copy of academic transcripts. |
FERPA Consent to Release Information |
Completion of this form authorizes release of academic and/or financial information contained in your education records to a third party. This form must be signed in person, or via Zoom, in the presence of a College official or appropriate witness (i.e. caseworker, attorney, counselor, advisor, teacher) after presenting official photo ID, or notarized. This consent is valid for one academic year. You may revoke your consent at any time by submitting a signed written statement, or by signing the FERPA Revocation of Release form. |
FERPA Revocation to Release Information |
Completion of this form revokes the previous FERPA Consent to Release Information form. |
FERPA Request to Withhold Directory Information |
Completion of this form authorizes release of academic and/or financial information contained in your education records held by the Office of the Registrar and/or the Financial Aid Office and Business Office to a third party. This form must be signed in person, or via Zoom, in the presence of a College official or appropriate witness (i.e. caseworker, attorney, counselor, advisor, teacher) after presenting official photo ID, or notarized. Submit to the Office of the Registrar. Consent is valid for one academic calendar year. To revoke this consent prior, submit a signed written statement, or Revocation of FERPA Consent to Release. |
In State Tuition Eligibility | Required of all students to establish residency status for in or out of state tuition classification. |
Medical Withdrawal Form | A student may withdraw from the college for medical reasons through the Dean of Enrollment Management & Advising Services (EMAS) Office. The withdrawal form should be submitted as soon as possible but must be submitted to the EMAS Office within 90 days of the end of the semester. No application for medical withdrawal will be accepted or processed after the 90 day period. Note: a medical withdraw is for the student, not family members. |
Preferred First Name | The College recognizes that some students may prefer to use a first name other than their legal name to identify themselves. As long as the use of a preferred first name is not for an improper purpose, the College acknowledges that a preferred first name can and should be used where possible in the course of College business and education. |
Program Change Request | You and your advisor will use this form to request a program change. It must be signed by both of you. Note that certain program changes require additional approval; these are listed in the instructions. Approved changes made after the drop/add period will be processed at the end of the current semester and will take effect the following semester. |
SACHEM Registration | To qualify for SACHEM Cross-Registration you must be enrolled as a degree student, on a full-time basis, and in good academic standing at one of the SACHEM institutions. This benefit is offered on a space-available basis only. Courses available are only those offered for credit during the regular September–May academic year. Each institution reserves the right to limit or bar access to certain programs. Please see for details. |
Reference Request (FERPA) | Faculty and other College personnel, when asked to give references, also have considerations under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The signed, written consent of the student (including former students) to disclose information from a student’s education record must be obtained if any information other than the College’s defined “directory information” is requested or expected. In essence, if the reference to be given may disclose the student’s coursework, GPA or grades, the student must provide a signed, written consent prior to the disclosure. This serves as documentation that the student has requested a written letter of recommendation and to which designated organizations or institutions it will be sent. |
Replacement Diploma Request | There is a $20 fee for a replacement diploma. Estimated 4 to 6 weeks delivery from time of order. Signatures on a replacement diploma will have signatures of the current administration. |
Request for Re-evaluation of Transfer Credit | This process is only for matriculated students in an Associate Degree or Certificate program who have been accepted and/or are currently enrolled, who are requesting the Registrar to evaluate for new, additional or changes to transfer credits for their current program after the semester has begun. |
Request to View Records Form | The College will respond with seven (7) business days to a request for records. No search or access will be made without appropriate signature and documentation as required. Records that are archived may take up to three (3) weeks to locate and access. The records maintained by the Office of the Registrar consist of the student’s academic and matriculation history. Student files are maintained only for actively matriculated students (students enrolled in a degree or certificate-seeking program) for five (5) years; they are then destroyed. Record access is subject to the Family Rights to Educational Privacy Act (FERPA). |
Unofficial Transcript Request Form | Current students can obtain an unofficial transcript through My 4Cs. Under Academics, locate and click on "Unofficial Transcript." Unofficial transcript records can be requested by completing, then emailing (or mailing) the Unofficial Transcript Request Formto Unofficial records can be emailed (or USPS mailed) per request. The College will use the email address provided for communication and sending an unofficial record. Unofficial transcripts are provided free of charge only to the student as long as there are no unmet obligations to the College. |
Office of the Registrar | |
Location | Nickerson Administration Building, First Floor |
Hours | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm |
Phone | 774.330.4711 |
Fax | 508.375.4084 | |